Jun 6Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Forgiveness is so liberating. Lovely post by the way!

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Thank you so much, my friend.

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It has been said that the most influential person in your life is the one your refuse to forgive. Let them go through forgiveness. Set yourself free.

Thank you, Jeremy

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Jun 6Liked by Jeremy Johnson

i forgive you i forgive you i forgive you. It feels so freeing to say. As soon as we get over our ego that traps us and we forgive those who have hurt us, whether they knew better or not, we do feel better. I felt relaxed reading your words, thank you

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Jun 8Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Hating on someone does more harm to you than to them. It is wise to forgive and let go. But, as you said - "Our heads and hearts don’t get along all the time.”

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Jun 6Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Sed libera nos a malo.

Thank you!

Holding on to a grudge is like taking poison, hoping the other will die...

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et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris

I have really gotten into deep study on the meaning behind the Our Father prayer. In it, there is but one conditional statement: "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" - forgive us in the way that we are able to forgive, and when we fail to forgive grant us the grace that teaches us how You do forgive.

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Jun 6Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Me too.

The St. Francis prayer and Pater Noster are keys for all of human kinds problems

Religion has screwed us up.

It is the spiritual principals that will save us from the mindless, selfish greed, arrogance and ignorance.

Fiat Voluntas Tua!!

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I was raised Lutheran, left that when my mother and step-father started attending a Baptist church, fell out of that, went atheist, came around to agnostic, flirted with general spirituality for a few years, a bit of Buddhism and things like that, and then came full circle to Catholicism. It's been a trip, but for the first time in my life I feel genuine peace in my heart and soul.

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Jun 6Liked by Jeremy Johnson

I was raised protestant, also did a trip through different religions and came to the conclusion that they all have the same message:

Love and tolerance. I often use bible language since most will understand and God is my word for my higher power.

Spirituality, like meditation and prayer are personal experiences, so is a spiritual awakening.

Religions have caused big separations in human kind. The bible seems like a very convoluted way of explaining simple spirititual principals and universal laws. Outdated language and unbelievable/ ridicilous stories don't help.

The Qu'ran is a political ideology hidden behind religion, carries Sharia law and alone for that needs revision...

And so forth...

Buddhism is the only religion that is truly free of judgment and fear. It seems to be the most logic one.. do bad and ya feel bad.. LOL

Or the native americans: wich wolf will you feed today? The black one or the white one?


Live in harmony with everything in creation. Do no harm, love as much as you can and help as much as possible.

We all have a "God" given compass we just need to make listening a habit :) ... a way of life again.

And use history as a good lesson of what not to do!! LOL

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So inspiring

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Jun 5Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Well written, my friend. Forgiveness can be a tough cookie to crack, but it's clear you understand why it's OK to let it just crumble and return to the earth. These words will stay with me for a good while.

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Too kind, as always, Mike. I'm glad you liked it. 🙏

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I'll never be able to do that. But thanks for sharing.

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Or maybe you haven't been able to YET. I believe that if I can learn to get there that literally anyone can. Lord knows I can be stubborn and ignorant as they come. Lol.

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I don't really know what to answer, Jeremy but thank you for your words. And if you have a prayer left, send it my way.

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Always, my friend. God bless you and keep you. 🙏

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Jun 5Liked by Jeremy Johnson

Awww 🥰 big hug; thank you for sharing!

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Big hug right back at you, Michele. God bless you 🙏

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needed this one today, since you l’ve been a little sad and mourning this week.

if I’m still sad 72hrs from now, will take you up on that hug.

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Sounds like a plan. I hope you feel better soon, my friend. I believe in you.

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Jun 5Liked by Jeremy Johnson

This is wholesome! 💜

What is the meaning of dimito tibbi?

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I'm all for getting a little more wholesomeness into the world.

Dimito tibi can be translated like "I forgive you", "I release you", "I let you go". That said, my Latin is... not suberb. Lol. Let's hope that it's the thought that counts.

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deletedJun 5Liked by Jeremy Johnson
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I'm glad. I'm all for getting a little more wholesomeness out there.

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